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Can the power adapter be taken out for security inspection?

Source :网络 Time :2023-08-16

The safety of the power adapter, in today's airports, stations and other public places, security checks have become the norm. However, for passengers carrying electronic devices, there are often doubts about whether they need to take out the power adapter for security check. So, does the power adapter need to be taken out? First of all, we need to understand the security issues of the power adapter.

The power adapter is an important device that converts the power supply voltage into the voltage required by the device, and it contains components such as circuit boards and transformers. However, there are some unqualified power adapters in the market, and these adapters may have potential safety hazards such as short circuit and overload. Therefore, we need to pay attention to the safety of the power adapter.

Do I need to take out the power adapter for security check?

According to the national security inspection regulations, when carrying an electronic device through the security inspection, the electronic device needs to be taken out for a separate security inspection. However, there is no clear regulation on whether the power adapter needs to be taken out for security inspection. Under normal circumstances, security personnel will require passengers to put electronic devices into the security inspection equipment for scanning, and the power adapter can be placed directly in the travel bag.

Although the power adapter usually does not need to be taken out separately for security inspection, we still need to pay attention to the following points:

1. Comply with security regulations

Although the power adapter generally does not need to be taken out separately for security inspection at present, if the security personnel asks to take it out, we should still actively cooperate and abide by relevant regulations.

2. Pay attention to the safety of the power adapter

Whether at home or when traveling, we should buy branded power adapters from regular channels and try to avoid using unqualified adapters. At the same time, it is necessary to regularly check the appearance and wiring of the power adapter, and if any abnormality is found, it should be replaced in time.

Can the power adapter be taken out for security inspection?(图1)

3. Pay attention to the safety of electronic equipment

While power adapters may not pose a safety issue alone, they also require extra attention when it comes to the overall safety of the electronic devices we carry. When carrying electronic equipment, you should pay attention to anti-theft and anti-loss to avoid loss or damage.

Generally speaking, during the security check of electronic equipment, the power adapter usually does not need to be taken out separately for security check. But we still need to abide by security regulations and be vigilant about the safety of power adapters. At the same time, pay attention to the safety of the overall electronic equipment to ensure the normal use of the equipment during the journey.