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Overseas power adapters teach you what to pay attention to when buying power adapters?

Source :网络 Time :2023-08-21

  Power adapter manufacturers teach you what to pay attention to when buying a power adapter?

  With the popularization of computers,more and more people own notebooks.If the power adapter of your notebook computer fails or is lost,you may have to follow the original adapter and go to the market to find the same one,which can solve the problem.But if you can't find the same one,or if you find the same one but it is very expensive,what should you do?Do you have to choose the same one?The answer is:not necessarily.Because for notebook power adapters,if the working parameters and output connectors are the same as the original ones,then different brands can be used in common,and the working parameters are not strictly the same,and there is a certain allowable range of variation.The main working parameters of the notebook power adapter:

  1.Input voltage and input current;

  2.Output current and output current;

  3.Output connector and output polarity(basically different brands have their own standards);

Overseas power adapters teach you what to pay attention to when buying power adapters?(图1)

  Generally,laptop adapters have 110-240V input,which conforms to global international standards.Note that there are still a few with 110V input,and that kind of power supply cannot be used in China.Also pay attention to how much voltage and current the adapter can provide,and whether it can meet the input requirements of the notebook.You can clearly see the specifications of the adapter on the nameplate on the surface of the adapter.

  Overseas power adapter

  SHENZHEN JYH Power device Co.,limited.focuses on overseas power adapters,high-quality power adapters,welcome to inquire!

  Laptop power supply

  Let’s take a look at how much power the notebook needs.For this,you can check the original power adapter,or at the bottom of the notebook computer or the AC input interface,and see the working voltage and current required by the notebook.Like IBM notebooks,it is generally 16V and the current is 3.36A.Between~4.5A,Compaq's is generally 18~19V,and so on.Generally,the required current increases with the upgrade of the CPU.The P4 generally requires more than 4~5A,and the P3 is between 3~4A.IBM adapters generally have this specification,which just matches.If you can't find a consistent one,please refer to the following principles:

  1.The principle is to choose the same brand and the same type.If not,you can only find other brands;

  2.The output interface of the adapter and the output polarity(note the positive and negative poles).You must first ensure that the purchased adapter can be plugged into your laptop.Otherwise,even if the working parameters are exactly the same,if it cannot be plugged in,what do you have?use it.Due to the independence of major notebook manufacturers,the adapter connectors of different brands are different.Generally,all series of notebook adapters of the same brand have the same specifications of connectors,but sometimes different brands may also use the same interface,and the specific conditions are treated separately,such as IBM's adapter can be used on many Acer and ASUS notebooks.When you can’t plug it in,there are solutions:that is to replace the connector,go to the electronic market to buy one,or cut off the connector of your broken adapter and connect it to the adapter you bought,so that OK;

  3.The output voltage of the adapter should preferably be equal to the voltage required by the notebook.If it is different,it should be as close as possible to the required voltage of the notebook and controlled within±5%error.This is because the voltage stabilizing circuit in the notebook generally has more than enough It can work normally and stably when the input voltage changes within a certain range;if the voltage is too low,the computer may not work stably or even turn on the machine;if the voltage is too high,the voltage stabilizing circuit inside the computer may be burned.For example,an Acer notebook requires 15V,3.36A input,but it can be used normally with an IBM 16V,3.36A adapter;

  Overseas power adapter

  4.The maximum output current of the adapter is as consistent as possible with the maximum current required by the notebook.If it is different,it must be equal to or greater than the required current of the notebook;Note:as long as the current is large,you don’t have to worry about how large it is.Don't be afraid,don't worry about burning the machine!However,the current should not be too small,because unstable conditions such as screen flickering may occur.For example,the adapter of IBM T30(16V,4.5A),although it can be used on IBM ThinkPad T20(16V,3.36A)with confidence,it can also be used on ThinkPad X31(16V,3.5A);the principle is:the power adapter is based on the load The situation to adjust the output current is not static.Like the IBM 16V,4.5A adapter above,it can provide a maximum working current of 4.5A,but when used on T20,it can output a maximum current of 3.36A.In fact,due to the different working conditions of the notebook computer,the current it needs is also constantly changing.The adapter adjusts the output power at any time according to the working condition of the notebook computer to meet the needs of the computer.An adapter with a larger output current is more comfortable,a bit like"killing a chicken with a sledgehammer".But if it’s the other way around,it’s not good.Although the T20 adapter can also light up the T30,the T30’s screen sometimes flickers because the T20 adapter cannot stably provide the working current required by the T30.

  SHENZHEN JYH Power device Co.,limited.was established in 2009.It is a high-tech enterprise integrating independent research and development,production and sales of power adapters,car chargers,charging back clips and mobile power supplies.In line with the business philosophy of"integrity-based,reputation first",the company strives to improve market competitiveness around the three core elements of"quality,service,and price".All products produced comply with CCC,TUV/GS,SAA,UL/CUL,CE,FCC,C-Tick,ROHS,CEC.DOE VI standards,business coverage in China,Europe,America,Australia,Africa,Middle East,Southeast Asia and other dozens of countries and regions,welcome to inquire.【Overseas Power Adapter