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Is a Bigger Power Adapter Better?

Source :网络 Time :2023-12-01

When it comes to power adapters, size matters, but not in the way you might think. The size of a power adapter refers to its power output, measured in watts (W). This is not to be confused with the physical size of the adapter, which has no bearing on its performance.

A power adapter’s wattage indicates the maximum amount of power it can supply. For example, a 65W adapter can deliver up to 65 watts of power. However, this doesn’t mean that it will always supply 65W. The actual power draw depends on the device it’s connected to. If the device only needs 45W, then the adapter will only supply 45W.

So, is a bigger power adapter better? The answer depends on your device’s power requirements. If your device requires more power than the adapter can supply, then a bigger adapter would be better. For instance, if your laptop requires 90W but you’re using a 65W adapter, the adapter might not be able to charge the laptop while it’s in use. In this case, a 90W or larger adapter would be more suitable.

However, if your device’s power requirements are less than the adapter’s maximum output, a bigger adapter won’t provide any benefits. It won’t charge your device faster or make it run more efficiently. In fact, it could even be less energy efficient. Power adapters convert AC power from the wall outlet to DC power for your device, and this conversion process isn’t 100% efficient. Some power is lost as heat, and larger adapters tend to have lower efficiency ratings.

Is a Bigger Power Adapter Better?(图1)

In conclusion, a bigger power adapter isn’t necessarily better. It’s important to use an adapter that matches your device’s power requirements. Using an oversized adapter won’t harm your device, but it won’t provide any benefits either. It could even be less energy efficient. When choosing a power adapter, the best advice is to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.