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What are AC and DC power adapters?

Source :网络 Time :2024-03-25

What are AC and DC power adapters?(图1)

AC power adapters and DC power adapters are used to convert grid power into a type of power suitable for use by electronic devices. AC adapters convert alternating current (AC power) to direct current (DC power), while DC adapters convert DC interface devices to other DC adapters.

Characteristics of alternating current (AC) power adapter

An AC power adapter receives AC power from an electrical outlet and converts it to the appropriate voltage and current required by your device. Such adapters usually have voltage and current ratings expressed in V (volts) or VA (volt-amperes). AC adapters are commonly used in most household appliances and electronic devices such as televisions, refrigerators, computers, etc. They provide power through alternating current waves with a frequency of 50Hz or 60Hz.

Characteristics of direct current (DC) power adapter

A DC power adapter receives AC power from an electrical outlet and converts it into the constant DC voltage and current required by your device. Such adapters usually have voltage and current ratings expressed in V (volts) or A (amps). DC adapters are commonly used in electronic devices such as computers, routers, audio equipment, etc. They provide stable power by flowing electricity in one direction only.

How the AC/DC power adapter works

The transformer in the AC power adapter converts incoming AC power to low voltage, high flow AC power. Next, a rectifier converts the AC signal into a rippled DC signal. Finally, the voltage regulator converts the ripple signal into a filtered, smooth DC signal and provides it to the device.

Factors for choosing an adapter

Choosing an AC or DC adapter depends on the type of power required for the device. Most household appliances and industrial equipment use AC power adapters, while electronic equipment such as computers and audio equipment use DC power adapters. When choosing an adapter, you'll also want to consider the voltage and current specifications you need, and whether the adapter is compatible with your device.


AC power adapters convert alternating current to direct current, while DC power adapters convert DC interface devices to other DC adapters. When selecting an adapter, you must consider the device's power type, voltage requirements, and device compatibility.